Colts Training

The primary aim of the Colts at TDCC is to introduce boys and girls to the sport and engender a long term involvement with the Club. We have the fastest growing  junior membership in the area with over 500 youngsters ranging from age 4 through to 17.

We offer Sunday morning coaching for colts aged 4 (in Reception) to 10 with coaching on Friday evenings for U11’s – U16’s. U8’s colts and upwards play competitive matches in the West Surrey Youth League; they are also able to move up to play in the senior or Sunday sides if they so wish – there is a clear planned pathway through from the colts to the senior cricket sides.

Like all clubs we are totally run by volunteers. We therefore encourage each parent / carer to donate 2 hours of their time during the season to help out. Whether its behind the bar, scoring or clearing glasses it really does make a big difference. For more information please talk to your age group Manager.

Our Mission – to attract young cricketers to the club and develop not only their skills and talents, but also their love of the game in a friendly and safe environment – TDCC follows ECB recommended health and safety policies.

Our Ethos – The Morgan – Glasgow ‘Spirit of Cricket’ Trophy is given to a Colt each year who has demonstrated such values. Whilst we play to win we place a higher long term value on such behaviours.


All summer training is on Giggs Hill Green. Sunday sessions for U5-U10’s (please arrive in good time for registration) and Friday evening sessions for U10-U16’s.


Age Group, Training TimeManager/s
U5 – Reception
Sunday 9.00-10.00
Rob Cloete (interim)
U6 – Year 1
Sunday 9.00-10.00
Rob Cloete (interim)
U7 – Year 2
Sunday 9.00-10.30
James Humphreys
Aaron Wadhams
U8 – Year 3
Sunday 10.30-12.00
Ben May
Jordy Ford
U9 – Year 4
Sunday 10.30-12.00
Ian Adamson
U10 – Year 5
Sunday 10.30-12.00
Monday 6-7pm (intro to hardball)
Richard Spiler
Gary Garduce
U11 – Year 6
Friday 6-7pm
Warren Maguire
U12 – Year 7
Friday 6-7pm
Richard Marsh
U13 – Year 8
Friday 6-7pm
Andrew Culham
U14 – Year 9
Friday 7-8pm
Cato Choi
Rob Croucher
U15 – Year 10
Friday 7-8pm
Roman Parker
Rangan Ravindran

U16 & U17 – Year 11 & 12

With Seniors
Sean Eligon
Steve Wallace
Girls only training
U8 & U9 – Year 3 & 4: Monday 6-7pm
U10 and over – Year 5 and over: Monday 7-8pm
For more details, click here.
Robin Johns

Who delivers the coaching? 

The Coaching at TDCC is delivered by the Chris Harrison Cricket Coaching Academy – Chris is the Head of Cricket at Hampton School and his company have a proven and exemplary track record. His teams passion for Cricket and ability to bring out the best from each child is why we are truly fortunate to retain them as our Professional Coaches. All of our  coaching team are ECB qualified, DBS checked, members of the ECB CA and First Aid qualified.

Winter nets

These are held at Esher College during the Spring term, timings below:

DayTimeAge Group
Monday 6-7U10-11

The cost of the nets sessions is £100 for the course.


How to join?

In the first instance please contact the coach relevant to your child’s age group.

See ‘Colts Membership’

What to wear?

Trainers, shorts, T shirts, tracksuit bottoms for training in the younger age groups – as they progress upwards the team managers have kit to share if needed eg bats, helmets, gloves etc. Whites are essential for matches – TDCC kit is available through the website Shop.


The clubhouse will always be open on Sundays serving bacon rolls, tea, coffee and other soft drinks. The bar is open from 12 onwards.

Can I leave the children?

No – none of the sessions are drop and go. The cricket ground is open to the public with roads on all sides of the green. We cannot take responsibility to deliver quality training and keep eyes on all children all of the time. Parents are welcome to ask another parent or friend to keep an eye on your child but we must have someone present to have responsibility.

Can I get involved?

YES! Our club relies entirely on volunteers so all assistance is greatly appreciated. Please ask your coaches or anyone in the bar and they’ll be happy to help.

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